Your first session

What to expect

Your first session will be a chance for you and your therapist to get to know each other. During this time your reasons for coming to treatment will be discussed as your clinician gathers information about you and your family, when your symptoms first began, and what your preferences are for treatment. You may be asked to complete several questionnaires. These are used to validate and inform clinical impressions formed during the initial interview. You will be given the opportunity to ask questions about anything that you are unsure about at this time.

This comprehensive assessment approach ensures that complex issues are understood within the family context for those living at home and that the most appropriate treatment plan is developed in collaboration with the client and family (for younger clients)

Catherine tailors treatment to individual needs drawing on a range of evidence-based treatment modalities including:

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

  • Mindfulness Based Therapies

  • Dialectical Behaviour Therapy

  • Motivational Interviewing 

  • Exposure/Response Prevention (for OCD)

  • Habit Reversal Training (for Tics and Body-Focussed Repetitive Behaviours such as nail-biting, skin-picking or hair-pulling)